Mid-America's Anthony Monahan (front and center) and 14 postulants from six other NAPCC jurisdictions began a two-month joint preparation for the novitiate at St. Fidelis Friary, Victoria, on May 31. Frs. Jim Froehlich (Penn. Prov) and Frank Grinko (Mid-Am)—back row, 3rd and 4th from left—and Fr. Michael Greco (N.Y.-N.E.)—(front row, 2nd from right)—are running the program, assisted by Fr. Harvey Dinkel (Mid-Am)—center row, far right—as project bursar. Three postulants from Australia hope to join the program soon, but are being held up by difficulties in getting US visas. This is the fifth time the program has been conducted in Victoria. Anthony comes to us from Minnesota, his home state, where he earned a degree in philosophy at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona.