“The Lord inspired me!” This was the firm belief and constant refrain of St. Francis as he reflected on his vocation in his Testament and other writings.
Logan Christopher of Elgin, OK; Erik Pederson of Cheyenne, WY and Jordan Rojas of Hutto, TX received their “tau” cross as they begin their year of Postulancy with the Capuchin Franciscans. The fraternity ceremony was July 16th at St. Francis Friary in Denver.
Erik, Logan and Jordan after receiving the "tau" cross...a symbol of a franciscan
It is the Lord who calls candidates to Capuchin life, and the Holy Spirit who works in them, inspiring them to follow Jesus and forming them after the Gospel example of St. Francis. The Lord calls young men and speaks to their hearts through the brothers of the Province, especially the brothers assigned to vocation and formation programs. The candidate programs, in different ways and on different levels, serve to help the candidates know Capuchin life and discern whether the Lord is calling them to this life. The candidates on their part strive to respond to a deepening attraction to the Capuchin life and grow in the virtues and values that make up the Capuchin charism. Essentially formation at this level helps the candidates discover themselves more fully and discover whether they have the necessary qualities to live the life they feel called to, and then begin to match their personal gifts and qualities with the life of the brotherhood.
Friars Praying Night Prayer (Compline) with new Postulants
• The postulant program is the beginning of “initial formation,” according to the Constitutions, and is designed in keeping with the above philosophy to prepare Postulants for the novitiate. While the postulancy program generally lasts one year, the time may be extended up to another year to achieve the goals of postulancy.
• Postulancy is the time for the candidate to discover the deepest reasons for his own vocation, to know and experience our Capuchin Franciscan life, complete the break with his environment and gain a first experience of brotherhood. (PCO IV, 62). During initial formation it can be useful for the young friar to have real contact with the poor and needy in order to learn in a more concrete way how to be poor and live a life of poverty. This is in the spirit of St. Francis, who placed himself at the service of lepers. (PCO IV, 45). • The postulant seeks to deepen knowledge and practice of the Catholic faith, and to acquire basic skills for spiritual growth.
• The formation of the postulants aims primarily at completing their catechesis in the faith and includes an introduction to liturgy, methods of prayer, Franciscan instruction and an initial experience of apostolic work. (Constitutions, 28).
• The postulant seeks to understand and express the service dimension of his faith and vocation.