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Capuchins Congratulate Archbishop-elect Samuel Aquila and Bishop Edward Weisenburger
Postulants Begin Preparation for the Novitiate in Victoria, KS
Caperone - Update on Capuchin Novitiate - Brothers Brandon and Donald
Archbishop Chaput Ordains Two of his Capuchin Brothers
Pentecost Letter from Capuchin Provincial, Fr. Charles Polifka to the Parishionersw of St. Joseph Parish in Hays, KS
Right Sizing the Capuchin Province of Mid-America - Reflection by Fr. Charles Polifka, Minister Provincial
St. Felice Porri of Cantalice
Fr. David Songy Celebrating 25 Years of Priesthood
Father Anselm Martin, OFMCap. 1919-2012
The Novitiate
Rich in Saints