The Eucharist - Source and Summit of the Christian Life

On July 1 st of this year, the Holy Father held a consistory of Cardinals, which approved 15 beatified souls for canonization. All but 1 will receive this special honor on October 20, so only Blessed Carlo Acutis is being asked to wait a bit longer than the others. No one is exactly sure why, possibly to allow pilgrim youth around the world to attend, as they descend on Rome (and Assisi) for the Jubilee Year celebrations. What is certain is that this holy soul will use the time well, praying for many, but especially those who love Christ in the spirit of Saint Francis.

Blessed Carlo came to mind as I was contemplating the impending celebration of All Souls this November 2, trying to understand the changing mentality of so many in the Church. In a world paralyzed by individualism, ministry to others can often seem pointless – and who still thinks of the souls in Purgatory?

Yet Blessed Carlo had the same question, “[I cannot understand] why many people are so concerned with the beauty of their bodies rather than spending time on the beauty of their souls.”

What amazing insight for a boy who died at age 15, less than 20 years ago - a millennial who enjoyed video games yet was untainted by technology and worldliness!

His Franciscan spirit was nurtured by the Capuchins in Milan, who serve the homeless and beggars. At five years old, Carlo brought his piggy bank to the friars, asking them to give it to the poor. This inspiration blossomed into spending time with the poor and marginalized, cheering them up, accompanying them, and feeding them.

Carlo’s Franciscan spirit was not only saw their bodily needs. At a tender age, he also sensed the hunger of their souls. He was known to say: “God is extremely pleased by the souls that approach the great gifts of the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Confession.” “The more we nourish ourselves on the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ, the more we will be able to love. . . .” “We can find God in his Body, Soul, and Divinity present in all the tabernacles of the world!”

I find encouragement for All Souls Day in this young man’s words: “[The Eucharistic Liturgy is] the most important prayer we can perform to help the departed souls to leave purgatory.” In learning about his impending, painful death, Carlo was happy to assert “I offer all the sufferings that I will have to undergo to the Lord for the pope and the Church, so that I can avoid Purgatory and go straight to heaven.”

Every year our fraternity reaches out to the many friends of the friars to request the privilege of praying for your loved ones who have died. How beautiful it is to remember in the Eucharist those who long to be in Heaven!

Please feel free to fill out the form at the following link (form at bottom of page) with the names of your deceased loved ones you would like the friars to keep in prayer. We will add their names to this special page on our website until the end of the year, and friars throughout the province will remember them in their Masses and daily prayers.

The Capuchins in Assisi now care for the incorrupt body of Blessed Carlo Acutis at Saint Mary Major, the chapel close to the residence of the Bishop of Assisi, where Saint Francis abandoned the world and was embraced by the Church.

As we anticipate his canonization, we ask his intercession that, as friars, we will be faithful to our charism. Thank you for sharing in this mission as well.

May the Lord continue to bless and consecrate all millennials, indeed all the people in this world crying out for the peace that touched and blessed the life of Saint Francis!


Fr. David Songy, OFMCap.
Provincial Quester