St. Teresa of Calcutta once said that the worst kind of poverty concerned the, “The poorest of the poor, that is, the unwanted, unloved, forgotten, abandoned, and uncared for throughout society.” Often, this includes many of the elderly who live lonely lives of seclusion and isolation in nursing homes and hospitals.
The friars serve in various ways to bring the light of the Gospel and the joy of Christ to those whom society has forgotten. In Denver, friars serve at Mullen Home, a care facility for the elderly run by the Little Sister of the Poor. Brothers accompany those in the final stages of life and often are at their bedsides keeping vigil as they pass from this world to the next.
Throughout the province, many friars visit hospitals and nursing homes to celebrate Mass, hear confessions, provide counseling and comfort and bring the sacraments at the hour of death.
Friars in temporary vows spend a summer working in a Clinical Pastoral Education program. The goal is to form the friars in communicating the love and mercy of God to those who are sick, lonely, or nearing the final stages of life. Postulants in Colorado Springs serve at two elderly care centers.